In the theoretical, analytical and descriptive texts we will be reading each day, find one keyword/key concept that that helps identify “how movement makes meaning.” Write a three-paragraph essay on that keyword. The first paragraph of the essay should define the word, the second paragraph should expand on how it is used in the particular text, and the third should be why you find it interesting or useful. These short essays should have proper Chicago citations.

Acceptance | Active Archive | Advocate | Anatomy | Assimilation | Body | Choreography | Community | Concept Guard | Crisis | Cultural Affiliation | Cultural Exchange | Dance | Demographic Anxiety | Dialogic Performance | Disappear | Dramaturg | Empathy | Enemy Alien | Falling | Fluidity | Fragment | Freedom | Greekness | Heal | Hellenism | Home | Honeybee | Humor | Hybridity | Immigrant | Improvisation | Indecipherable | Invitation | Knowledge | Legal Limbo | Marginalization | Migration | Motive | Mourning | Narrative | Optimism | Oscillation | Pain | Perception | Protest | Redundancy | Refugee | Research | Risk | Romanticise | Skeleton | Spoken words | Suicide | The railing | Tight Places | Trance Dance | Transgressive | Vocabulary

All Keywords can be found at the end of the book in the Glossary.


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Β΄ What We Danced

Γ΄ #JeSuis

Δ΄ Tracing the Movement

Ε΄ Greek Culture

Ζ΄ Contributors

Η΄ Syllabus

Θ΄ Bibliography

Ι΄ Resources