The railing

According to Natalie Zervou, the image of the railing (a fence made of rails) presents a strong metaphor in the performance titled Bodies of Resilience, which revolves around immigrant experience in Greece. In the performance, people are “” (177), which opens up various interpretations and their implications. Zervou thinks of the railings as metaphors of […]

Cultural Exchange

Cultural exchange is “”. Katherine Profeta uses this term in the chapter Interculturalism in regards to her understanding of the role of a dramaturg in a culturally diverse setting. Profeta discusses Rustom Bharucha’s idea of uneven power among culturally diverse participants in relation to the meaning of cultural exchange. She elaborates on ideas of genuine […]

Tight Places

The phrase tight place is used throughout the book I Want To Be Ready: Improvised Dance As a Practice Of Freedom by the author Danielle Goldman who borrowed the phrase from Houston Baker, a scholar writing on African Americans’ struggles. According to Baker, tight places are defined to be “” (5). As this definition could […]


Katherine Profeta does not exactly define the word fragment in her book Dramaturgy in Motion: At Work on Dance and Movement Performance, but instead, she mentions what a role of a fragment is and how does it exist within the process of research. According to Cambridge Dictionary, a fragment is “”. One could assume that […]

Enemy Alien

The keyword I chose for the present essay is enemy alien, which was mentioned several times in Hannah Arendt’s essay We Refugees.  According to the website, an enemy alien is a person living in a country at war with the country of which this person is a citizen. The term was first used right […]


The word dramaturg-weaver is not an official term concerning dramaturgy, therefore there is no definition that could be easily “googled”. It is used by Katherine Profeta in her book Dramaturgy in Motion: At Work on Dance and Movement Performance and it seems to be specifically coined for the context it was used in. The first […]