How to Run the Perfect Board Meeting

The more board members are engaged and involved in the outcome of the meeting, the more effective. To ensure this, the chairman of a board should be prepared to run meetings effectively. This requires the right tools and meeting best practices to be carried out in a way that will allow for rich and productive discussions.

Start with an State of the Union

Kick off the meeting by having the founder or a senior executive give a comprehensive overview of how things are going. This is the ideal time to discuss major milestones and achievements, as well as areas where your business might not meet its goals.

Clarify Objectives

The agenda items should be distributed to the attendees ahead of the meeting to allow them to prepare in advance. Include the discussion topic as well as the purpose of each item to ensure everyone knows what the discussion is about. Make sure you revisit these objectives during the meeting, since it can keep discussions on track and on target.

Encourage camaraderie

During the breaks between meetings, try to encourage informal social activities that can bring more natural conversations and board member-to-member connection. For example annual board retreats, or regular get-togethers outside of the formal meetings can help to build solid foundations for effective and efficient collaboration. This can result in more productive and inspiring meetings, which produce tangible results for the company.