How to Evaluate a Board Portal Blog

A board portal blog is a great way to inform stakeholders about the technology, its benefits, and security protocols. While new and inexperienced users of a portal could focus on cost and features in isolation, this isn’t the place to conclude an evaluation. Instead, organisations should ask providers questions that are focused on infrastructure data integrity, data integrity, external audits and their security teams.

In a world of board management software that’s growing in popularity it is essential to understand the questions you should ask to benefit the most from this technology. By approaching a prospective board portal vendor with these questions in mind, you can help ensure that the platform is good fit for your organisation and that it provides an effective, secure and efficient environment for meetings and collaboration.

A fully-fledged portal for directors and company secretaries should facilitate company secretaries and directors to create and distribute agendas and packs. It will also let directors read, comment, and annotate documents on any device, and supply report writers with templates and guidelines for better reports. This will cut down on time and resources that can be used in other areas.

A board portal should contain a range of security features to protect sensitive documents and information. This should include encryption in transit and at rest as well as the ability to control authentication and permission settings. Remote wipe business continuity plans, remote wipe disaster recovery plans as well as regular security audits conducted by third parties as well as penetration testing are suggested.